ISL Vol.6 No.4


The Scientific Turn of Humanities Studies

The Ethical Structure of the Taxi-Based Narrative: Focusing on Taxi Crazy Rhapsody

The Ethical Structure of the Taxi-Based Narrative: Focusing on Taxi Crazy Rhapsody

Reading Park Kyung-ni’s Kim’s Daughters from the Perspective of Ethical Literary Criticism: Focusing on Ethical Representation and Ethical Knots of “Otherized Subjects”

Ethics of Korean International Adoptees’ Utilization of Cyberspace and DNA Technology

Keyword of Ethical Literary Criticism: Ethical Identity

Ethical Identity and Ethical Choice in Top Girls

Theory of Ethical Literary Criticism: Its Attributes of Innovation in Diffusion in UK

Thought Experiments in Science, Ethics and Politics: Cosmic Selection in the Trilogy of Three-Body Problem

The Construction of Literary World in Haruki Murakami’s Killing Commendatore

Tropics of Discourse around Ethics: A Criticism of Hayden White’s Historical Poetics

Economic Ethics in the Old Testament

A Model of Success for Journal Publication under the Philosophy of “Dialogism”: Ralph Cohen and New Literary History in Its Forty Years

Retooling, Composing and Connecting: New Trends in Research on the History of Danish Literature

Colonial “Brain Text” in British Diaspora Narrative: A Review of Modern and Contemporary British Diaspora Literature Studies

British Formalist Aesthetics from Chinese-Western Dual Perspectives: A Review of British Formalist Aesthetics and Its Literary Writing Practice

Sound of Silence: A Review of A Study of Bakhtin’s Influence on Contemporary Western Literary Theories